Regional Long-Range Transportation Plans are required to cover at least 20 years and must be updated at least every five years. These plans set regional priorities for meeting future transportation needs. Potential funding for the planning period is projected, and future projects that might be considered are recommended, within available funding. Many federal and state transportation funding sources require that projects be identified in regional long-range transportation plans to be eligible for project funding.
The SVMPO Board of Directors adopted the 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan on August 25, 2021. This plan sets out near-term, mid-range and longer-range multi-modal projects to support strategies to fund and build a regionally connected transportation network. Priorities that guided the selection of projects included: Safety; System Preservation; Regional Significance; Multimodal Integration and Accessibility; Economic & Community Connectivity; Sustainable Environmental & Social Investment; and Vehicle and Freight Mobility.
This plan includes useful information for the community to reference safety issues, travel patterns, best practices for roadway construction options, and expectations for the future traffic volumes within the region. Regional funding will be directed to the highest priorities identified in this plan, An Investment Strategy was identified to direct an estimated 60% of funding to roadway capital projects; 25% towards roadway preservation activities and 15% to improving bicycle, pedestrian and recreational access and facilities. Regional Funding is awarded to member jurisdictions through the Transportation Improvement Program, known as the TIP, each year.
The next SVMPO Long-Range Transportation Plan update will be undertaken in 2025-2026.