There are many ways to share your thoughts with us. Please use the contact method most convenient for you in order to reach out to us for information, get answers to your questions or to provide us with your comments about any of SVMPO’s programs, plans or projects.

  • By E-Mail: Send us an e-mail at  You may also reach individual members of the SVMPO Board of Directors or Committees by E-Mail: their contacts are noted in this website under Board of Directors & Committees.
  • By Phone: Leave us a message at 520.515.8525.
  • By Mail: Send us a letter or materials to: Sierra Vista MPO at 410 Giulio Cesare Avenue., Sierra Vista, Arizona 85603  ATT: SVMPO Director.
  • On-Line: Or send us your questions or comments using the form below.

Your feedback is important to us and we thank you for your interest in the SVMPO transportation planning activities. The SVMPO will normally respond within a few days. Please be aware that it may take some time to research your question(s). Staff resources are limited and the SVMPO Director frequently works out of the office, either in the field or advocating for the region in Tucson or Phoenix. All requests for information and comments to the SVMPO may be viewed by others, shared with the SVMPO Board of Directors and/or SVMPO Legal Counsel.

Contact Us

A simple On-Line Form for reaching out to us for information, answers to your questions or to provide us with your comments about any of SVMPO’s programs, plans or projects.

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Opportunities to Comment: Draft FY25 Title VI/ADA and Environmental Justice Plan

The FY 25 SVMPO Title VI Plan will be considered by the Sierra Vista MPO Board of Directors on June 26, 2024 for adoption. Regional demographics has been updated to the 2018-2022 American Community Survey Data. This plan describes how the region assesses and analyzes the impacts of projects on different population groups.


Press Releases

Timely information and announcements about SVMPO programs, plans and projects are released to various media outlets. Press releases also announce opportunities to provide input or be engaged in a regional transportation planning effort. Look for these press releases to show up in a local newspaper or on your member jurisdiction Facebook alerts.

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Public Participation Plan

The SVMPO Public Participation Plan describes different levels of involvement and potential strategies to use when reaching out for public input during planning and decision making processes. This Plan was adopted in 2014 and then updated in 2019. A 45-day public comment period occurs before this Plan is adopted. The next update to this Plan will likely be in the year 2025.


Public Records Request

If you have a formal request for information from the SVMPO, under the Freedom of Information Act, please submit the SVMPO Public Records request form. Almost all of the SVMPO documents are available for public review (unless protected from disclosure under federal law or court decision). Materials can be made available for review in the SVMPO office or copies can be made for you (there may be a charge for the costs to make these copies available to you in either an electronic format or as hard copies).


Title VI/ADA Non-Discrimination Complaint Procedures

If you need to let us know about a possible discrimination complaint against you or a protected population group, these forms, and the information on the Title VI/Nondiscrimination webpage, will help you submit your concerns for a formal response.

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Via Vista Newsletter

Every quarter the SVMPO issues a newsletter providing the most up to date status reports on the SVMPO’s programs, plans and projects. Early notifications of opportunities to comment on plans are often included, as well as advance notice of topics likely to be on upcoming TAC and Board meetings.

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