January 6, 2021


The SVMPO is extending the region’s long-range transportation plan to the year 2050. This plan will identify existing needs and challenges the region is facing related to our transportation system and work with the community and elected officials to prioritize recommendations for future improvements.  Kimley-Horn, with Rick Engineering and the Gordley Group, are assisting the SVMPO to develop the first regional transportation plan update.  The SVMPO and study team are seeking comments, concerns and ideas from the region’s residents and business owners.  Public input is critical to understanding what the most important improvements are needed for our future.  You can provide comments back to us on our interactive map and on-line survey form here.

October 7, 2020

SVMPO Transportation and Transit Plan Updates are Underway!

The SVMPO is beginning two regional planning efforts, approved in the SVMPO FY21 Work Program.  Our Long-Range Transportation Plan update will look out as far as the year 2050 to identify transportation related needs for the region.  A consultant team, Kimley-Horn, will work with elected officials and area residents,  to find solutions and discuss funding options for making community investments in all modes of travel.  The Short-Range Transit Plan update will consider transit needs for Vista Transit, and regional connections, for the next five years.  A consultant team, Michael-Baker, will assist transit staff to develop recommendations for improving accessibility and connections for transit options throughout Sierra Vista and surrounding areas.  Both plans are expected to be completed by summer of 2021.  Look to this site for opportunities to be involved in both studies!  If you have any immediate questions about these planning efforts, please let us know on our SVMPO Contact Us Form.

July 31, 2020

SVMPO Work Program Updated for Fiscal Year 2021

The SVMPO Board approved an update to the SVMPO Work Program and Budget at their June 18, 2020 Board meeting. All nine transportation work elements remained the same and no new funding has been added to the two-year Work Program Budget. One new project was approved in the Regional Planning element for a joint City/County Inventory and Feasibility Study on Theater Drive. The region anticipates a regional planning budget of $837,000 next year. You may view the approved FY21 Work Program of the FY20/FY21 Work Program Amendment Two here. If you have any questions or comments please let us know on our SVMPO Contact Us form.

June 18, 2020


The SVMPO Board of Directors approved the five-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on June 18, 2020.  This plan expects to invest about $4.4 million dollars in regional transportation infrastructure and $6.1 million dollars in transit activities over the next five years.  You can view the SVMPO 2021-2025 TIP and send in any questions or comments you might have on our SVMPO Contact Us form.

August 20, 2019

FHWA approves SVMPO Work Program

On August 20, 2019, the Federal Highway Administration approved Amendment One to the adopted SVMPO FY20 and FY21 Work Program. This amendment revised funding totals to include last fiscal year’s carry forward funding amounts. Approved work activities are identified for the next two years.

May 7, 2019

FY20/FY21 Work Program and Budget

A preliminary draft work program and budget has been drafted for the Board of Directors’s consideration on May 9, 2019. A final version, with the Board’s input, will be released for public comment. Carry forward funds and projects will be included in a final version, to be completed in September, 2019. Click here to see the drafted Work Program and Budget.

May 7, 2019

FY20 Title VI Plan

Each year the SVMPO updates data and maps related to race/ethnicity and other demographic data for the region. You can review, and make comments on this drafted plan, here on our SVMPO Website. Click here to see the Title VI plan, and here to view the attachments.