September 4, 2024

Comment on Transportation Safety Action Plan!

The SVMPO is working on a Transportation Safety Action Plan and we would like to invite you to participate.  A survey and interactive map have been posted on the Safety Plan project website at

Your comments will help the study team better understand what are your most important safety concerns, where transportation safety problems are located, and what ideas you have for communicating critical safety messages.

Survey comments will be taken until Sept. 27th.

June 27, 2024

FY25 Title VI Plan Updated!

The SVMPO has updated information about the region’s population in their Adopted FY25 Title VI/EJ Plan. This information helps assess the impacts of projects on specific population groups and is an important tool in prioritizing future projects. The SVMPO Board adopted the FY25 Title VI/EJ Plan at their regular meeting on June 26, 2024. You can download the adopted plan here: FY25 Title VI Plan FINAL JUNE 2024

June 27, 2024

FY25-FY29 Transportation Improvement Program Update

Every two years the SVMPO considers available funding for future Design and Construction projects for regional priorities. The next TIP cycle has no available funding for projects at this time. Transit funding through FTA provides for replacement buses and ongoing operations for Vista Transit services. The SVMPO Board adopted the FY25-FY29 TIP at their regular meeting on June 26, 2024. You can download the adopted TIP here: FY25-FY29 SVMPOTIP FINALDRAFT JUNE2024 and ADOPTED TIP TABLES FY25-FY29 JUNE 2024

June 12, 2024

Regional Open Houses in June!

Three opportunities to meet with your MPO staff and talk about regional plans and programs will be available in June. On June 14th MPO staff will be at the Huachuca City Library from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. On June 18th the MPO staff will be at the Siera Vista Library from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. And on June 21st the MPO staff will be out on Ramsey Canyon and Stafford Lane from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. to talk with recreational users of the bicycle paths. Come on by and say hello!

August 19, 2023

Four County Strategic Safety Plan Update

The SVMPO will be partnering with SEAGO and ADOT to identify strategies to decrease crash rates in southeastern Arizona. Previous safety plans have included the Highway Safety Plan (2017) and the Vista Transit Safety Plan (2021). Drivers are urged to “Stay Alive-Just Drive” when traveling. The traveling public will have an opportunity to learn about ways they can help bring our crash rates down and our fatalities rates to zero during the next year.

May 12, 2023

SVMPO Receives $9 Million for Projects!

The SVMPO is pleased to announce that the region was selected to receive $9.971 million in Az. State revenues for four priority transportation projects: Moson Rd. Corridor; Theater Dr. Corridor; Skyline Dr. Reconstruction and Skyline Dr. Pathway. Watch for progress on these critically needed improvements in 2024 and 2025!

April 7, 2023

Demographic Profile Updated in FY24 Title VI Plan

Each year, the SVMPO reviews the new Census data releases about population changes in the region.   Since last year, the SVMPO region has lost population, become slightly older, seen increases of those with mobility disabilities, and identified 5.4 percent of households with no vehicles available as a transportation option.  This APPROVED FY24 Title VI Report was adopted by the SVMPO Board on April 26, 2023.

April 7, 2023

DRAFT Two-Year Work Program for Review

Every two years the SVMPO works with their funding partners at FHWA, FTA and ADOT to develop a work program for planning activities for the next two fiscal years.  The SVMPO Work Program and Budget is a roadmap of the SVMPO Director to contract for professional services, to stage up the next study or project, to phase activities towards multi-year goals and to ensure that mandated timelines for regional plan updates are met. This update will be finalized for SVMPO Board consideration at their April 26, 2023 meeting.  Adoption is required by the end of June 2023 and takes effect July 1, 2023.

June 2, 2022

Regional Transportation Project Open House

The SVMPO will host a Regional Transportation Open House on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Sierra Vista Public Library conference room.  This is an opportunity to talk with SVMPO staff about regional plans, studies and projects.  The draft five-year 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program will be available for review and comment at this Open House.   The Library is located at 2600 E. Tacoma St., east of Coronado Dr. in the City of Sierra Vista.

June 2, 2022

DRAFT Transportation Planning Program for Review

Every year the SVMPO prepares a five-year programming of future projects for the region.  The 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program, known as the TIP,  is now available for review and comment.  It does not include any new construction projects but does include Design phases for three regionally significant roadways in need of pavement rehabilitation or improvements.  It also includes transit projects and funding for transit operations.  The SVMPO Board will consider this five-year project programming at their regular meeting on June 22nd at 2:30 p.m. For a copy of the drafted TIP see the Regional Transportation Planning link on this website.   Comments may be submitted using our Contact Us link.