This webpage provides you with information about who is on the SVMPO Board of Directors, who is running the agency and the policies that guide the work that the SVMPO does. On this page you can also find information about the annual Work Program and Budget for the SVMPO. The SVMPO is a three member agency in partnership with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

SVMPO Board of Directors

The Board of Directors acts as the policy body coordinating transportation planning and related activities with the Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning region. The SVMPO Board of Directors consists of five elected officials from each of the three member jurisdictions and one representative from the Arizona Department of Transportation.

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The SVMPO has one full-time staff member: Karen L. Lamberton, AICP. She has been the SVMPO Director since September 2018. The SVMPO currently is supported by two SVMPO staff: Justin Hembree, Senior Regional Transportation Planner and Dennis Donovan, P.E., Part-Time Transportation Specialist.

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Work Program and Budget

The Work Program and Budget provides elected officials and member jurisdiction staff with direction on regional transportation programs, plans and projects to undertake in the next two years. The FY24/FY25 Work Program was adopted by the Board of Directors on April 26, 2023 and approved by FHWA on June 28, 2023. Amendment One was approved by the Board of Directors on August 23, 2023.

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The Bylaws governing the SVMPO was first adopted on December 13, 2013. Bylaws amendments are made by the SVMPO Board of Directors from time to time.


Title VI/ADA Non-Discrimination Policy

The SVMPO commits to a policy of non-discrimination and strives to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not. The SVMPO Title Plan is updated annually and is usually adopted in June of each year.

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Public Participation Plan

The SVMPO seeks to engage residents and the traveling public in their regional programs, plans and projects. The Public Participation Plan was first adopted in 2014 and was updated in 2019. This Plan provides the SVMPO staff with guidance on the levels of public involvement required and potential strategies to use when reaching out for public input during the planning and decision making processes.


“Urbanized!” – Western Planner article on founding of SVMPO

The first SVMPO Administrator, Daniel Coxworth, wrote about the initiation of the then newly formed Sierra Vista MPO in The Western Planner in a feature article called: “Urbanized! A New Metropolitan Planning Organization in a Rural Region”. Read about why the SVMPO was formed and the early formation days of this regional planning agency.
